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CAD tip CAD tip # 10647:


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As it is known, in AutoCAD (with VBA Enabler) it is possible to save DWG files and then execute macros in VBA language.

But with the freeware application CADstudio AutoExec you can also store LISP macros (in AutoLISP or VisualLISP, including .lsp, .fas, .vlx files) directly inside DWG drawings. With the module (enabler) AutoExec.vlx loaded, you can then you can automatically load and execute macros stored in opened DWG files on other computers without having to worry about the individual LSP/VLX files. You can define new commands and functions tied to a specific drawing (or DWT template). Note: The LISP function is only loaded by default. If you also want to automatically execute a specific function or command, add it to the Exec field.

The command AUTOEXEC displays a list of macros available in the drawing ("*" indicates my own macros). You can load another macro (LSP/VLX file) with the Load function.

For security reasons it is possible to limit the loading of such macros only to those macros that have been saved by the same user ("signed"). In higher versions of AutoCAD it may be necessary to confirm the security of individual loaded LSP and VLX files.

Remember that for AutoExec macros to be loaded automatically, the AutoExec.vlx module must be loaded in every AutoCAD session (e.g. using autoload, the briefcase icon in APPLOAD).

More on AutoExec
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See also:
Tip 14359:Automatic macro execution when opening a CAD file (AutoCAD, Inventor, Max, PowerMill)
Tip 10663:Automatic warning on DWG open.

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