New CADforum look launched.
Over 1.086.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
Over 1.086.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
CAD tip # 9791:
With the SparePartsPlace Toolkit BASIC you can create high performance cross platform viewing formats from Inventor assemblies and parts for most common web browsers, iPad, iPhone and Android devices. The Toolkit versions ADVANCED and PROFESSIONAL allow you to create complete online spare parts catalogs as a B2C solution. This solution based on Inventor OEM is very simple to use and the resulting 3D content data - a proprietary binary file format - is safe and not reengineerable. The viewers for customers (a Browser PlugIn, a Desktop exe for Win and Mac OS, and Apps for mobile devices) are all free of charge.
- Free of charge demo version
- Online demos
- Product overview and tutorial videos

applies to: Inventor ·