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CAD tip CAD tip # 7931:


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When you create isometric drawings (2D) in AutoCAD, use the ISOPLANE command to switch isometric planes (Left/Top/Right) while drawing. For the isometric cursor you need to use the SNAP command and to set its Style to "Isometric".

For dimensioning then use the aligned dimensions - DIMALIGNED, modified by obliquing (oblique angle 30°/60°/330° depending on the isoplane) - see DIMEDIT, Oblique. With DIMEDIT Rotate you can edit rotation of the dimension text (the angle 0.001 makes it vertical).

You can also align the dimension text - just use DDEDIT to and change the oblique angle of the text (30°/60°/330°).

Iso dimensions

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See also:
Tip 13843:Accented characters (umlauts) are incorrectly displayed in the material schedule on isometric drawing.
Tip 13796:PCF file generated from AutoCAD Plant 3D is not compatible with my application.
Tip 12138:German, French, Hungarian, Chinese… labels in Plant 3D isometrics.
Tip 11936:Why does AutoCAD display an oblique (skewed) plan view and a red-green crosshair?
Tip 10244:How to make DWG texts readable in a 3D view (align to view)?

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