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CAD tip CAD tip # 8151:


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Most of the keyboard shortcuts defined in AutoCAD for Mac (and AutoCAD LT for Mac) are the same as the standard hotkeys in AutoCAD for Windows (see the overview). But some "hot keys" are defined differently in AutoCAD for MacIntosh:
⌘1 - open/close the Tool Sets palette  
⌘2 - open/close the Content palette  
⌘3 - open/close the command window 
⌘4 - open/close the Layers palette
⌘5 - open/close the Properties Inspector palette
⌘6 - toggles the status bar 
⌘7 - open/close the Reference Manager palette
⌘8 - open/close the Material Browser palette
⌘/ - launches the online help (browser)  
⌘E - displays the Export Data dialog
⌘F - displays the Find and Replace dialog
⌘G - groups selected objects  
⌘I - displays the Properties Inspector palette
⌘R - regenerates the current viewport  
⌘W - closes the current drawing  
⌘+ - zoom-in 2x  
⌘- - zoom-out 0.5x  
⌘, - displays the Application Preferences dialog 
⌘. - displays the Quick View dialog
Shift⌘C (Shift-Cmd-C) - displays the color palette
Shift⌘; (Shift-Cmd-;) - displays the Check Spelling dialog
100% MacOSCAD
19.8.2011    34579×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD 2012 · AutoCAD LT 2012 ·

See also:
Tip 14316:How to redefine the HATCH command to start with the settings option?
Tip 14281:Mapped network drives (S:, T:, X:, etc.) are not available in my CAD application.
Tip 14211:Cycle component color with a keyboard shortcut in Fusion.
Tip 14150:How do I search for a specific part by name in Fusion?
Tip 13861:How to get rid of drawing tabs under AutoCAD ribbon.

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