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Over 1.087.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
Over 1.087.000 registered users (EN+CZ). Try the new Engineering calculator, the CAD conversion wizard, the Color converter and USD viewer. Learn about twiGIS.
CAD tip # 6686:
AutoCAD or other Autodesk product fails on installation or on the first run with the Error 1325.
This is a MSI installer error appearing on user accounts with names containing a dot (".") or with names longer than 11 characters. Users' login names probably have a period in their usernames - i.e.: "first.last".
What to do:
Install your CAD product in the Administrator account and then copy the Registry entries (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk) and the folders c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk and c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk.
