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CAD tip CAD tip # 8253:


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Both AutoCAD and Revit contain the function "nudge" - for nudging, pushing of selected objects in a certain distance using the respective arrow-key on your keyboard.

It is an inaccurate operation not suitable for moving the drawing geometry, but it can be useful e.g. for fine-tuning placement of texts, annotations, legends, etc.

In AutoCAD you can invoke nudging of grip-selected objects by pressing the combination Ctrl+arrow (up, down, left, right; internal command NUDGE), in Revit just press the arrow key.

The nudge step size depends on the current zoom level - so it is measured in "pixels" rather than in drawing units. In AutoCAD Snap mode (F9), the nudge step size is equal to the current snap size (see SNAPMODE and SNAPUNIT). Using your cursor keys, you can nudge objects in a fixed relative distance, e.g. 1 mm (unlike absolute Snap).

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See also:
Tip 13694:Individual modification of elements in AutoCAD dynamic arrays.
Tip 9042:Random scatter of AutoCAD drawing objects - SCATTER.
Tip 8943:Nudge DWG objects in a fixed grid.
Tip 7811:Nature doesn't use right angles.
Tip 7503:Autodesk 3ds Max keyboard shortcuts.

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