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CAD tip CAD tip # 8962:


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With the freeware utility CADstudio SphereProj you can project any 2D curve (polyline, spline, arc, line) or a group of curves to a spherical 3D surface.

The add-in application SphereProj can be downloaded - like the other CAD Studio's freeware tools - from Download. Load it with APPLOAD and the run the SphereProj command. After you enter the sphere radius, the command marks a rectangular area that will be projected to the sphere (at 0,0,0). Any curve drawn in this area can be be transferred (projected) to the sphere surface (the horizontal axis of the rectangle will become the "equator" on the sphere, its upper and lower edges will become the north a south "poles"). The 3D projection respects the color of the original 2D curve. You can specify the precision of the conversion - the number of segments that the original curve(s) will be divided to.

If you want to project a text, convert it first to to lines - see the tip 1901. Projection of geometrical entities to an arbitrary 3D surface is described in the tip 7297.

100% *CAD
9.12.2012    11887×  
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 14405:How do I create a 3D helix or 2D spiral sketch in Fusion?
Tip 14392:How to get rid of the dot displayed by P&ID symbols in Plant 3D?
Tip 14349:12 free material texture libraries for PBR rendering.
Tip 14310:Easy graphical display of the project or assembly file structure (hidden function).
Tip 14248:How to run Dynamo script from LISP, menu or .SCR script in Civil 3D?

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Use Google Earth images in your AutoCAD projects with the Plex.Earth Tools More info

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