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CAD tip CAD tip # 3231:


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iMike is a configurable figure of a man for Autodesk Inventor where you can use it for ergonomic designs or just to enhance your scenes. In the 3D subassembly iMike.iam, using the embedded Excel sheet you can pick the size (type) of the person and its parameters (after you change them, close Excel and hit the Update button in Inventor). Individual joints of the model are constrained, you can move his legs, turn his head or even raise his sunglasses...

For a better display quality you may want to switch off edge display (Tools/Options/Display/Active - Display edges).

For download on

credit to M.V.Ficarra + C.Bliss

100% *CAD
1.8.2003    81975×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: Inventor 6 · Inventor 7 · Inventor 8 · Inventor 9 ·

See also:
Tip 14339:Time tracker for Autodesk Inventor - how much time have I spend on a design?
Tip 14338:How do I replace a model with another one in an Inventor presentation?
Tip 14310:Easy graphical display of the project or assembly file structure (hidden function).
Tip 14117:Recoloring of Inventor assembly parts - random, by material, by mass or other property (T4I)
Tip 13963:Sum of pipe element lengths in Inventor (iLogic).

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