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CAD tip CAD tip # 3968:


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The AutoLISP "Select objects" function 'ssget' offers several useful modifiers which are undocumented and unknown for many users. Besides usual documented formats like (ssget) or (ssget "_X"), (ssget "_W"), (ssget "_C") etc. you can use in your programs or macros e.g.:
  • (ssget "_:S") - selecting a single selection (for single object use "_:S+.")
  • (ssget "_:E") - selecting all objects crossing the selection box (can be also combined to e.g. (ssget "_:E:S")
  • (ssget "_:N") - selecting objects including nested/child objects - e.g. with block references, polymeshes, etc.
  • (ssget "_:D") - duplicate objects counted separately (2x selected object = 2 selections)
  • (ssget "_:L") - stops users from selecting objects on locked layers
  • (ssget "_:P") - rejects selection of viewports
  • (ssget "_:R") - allow selection in long transactions
  • (ssget "_:U") - enable subentity selection with Ctrl
  • (ssget "_:V") - force subentity selection
  • (ssget "+?) - add selected mode - L=Last, A=All, P=Previous - e.g. (ssget "_:S+L+P")
  • (ssget "-?) - remove selected mode - L=Last, A=All, G=Group, P=Previous - e.g. (ssget "-M-A")
  • (ssget "_+.") - allows window selection even in the single selection mode - e.g. (ssget "_+.:E:S") (may not work in some localized versions of AutoCAD)
100% *CAD
6.8.2004    36150×  

See also:
Tip 13737:Formatting leading zeros in AutoCAD fields (and automatic field update).
Tip 13716:HYPERLIST - list of all used URLs.
Tip 13688:How to select all DWG objects of a certain type in AutoCAD LT? (texts, circles...)
Tip 13049:Bulk 3D rotation of selected objects around individual axes.
Tip 12210:How to erase a specific object type in all DWG layouts?

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