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CAD tip CAD tip # 4455:


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Some osnaps (e.g. NEArest and INTersection) do not work well (are not displayed) on some types of entities nested in blocks inserted with unequal X-Y-Z scales.

If your non-uniform block reference contains arc (incl. polyline arc segment), circle, lwpolyline (incl. rectangle, polygon), ellipse, xline, ray, mline, or leader object, the object snapping feature doesn't work on these objects embedded in the block.

AutoCAD versions also have problems with NEArest osnaps to circles and arcs (incl. old polyline arc segments) not parallel to the current UCS.

100% *CAD
1.6.2005    12604×  
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applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD LT ·

See also:
Tip 13887:ClosestPt - the nearest point on another curve
Tip 13668:How to create a sphere from 4 points in AutoCAD?
Tip 13653:FPoly - draw fixed-length polylines in AutoCAD.
Tip 13587:Dynamic label of 3D coordinates.
Tip 13495:How to create a full diameter dimension with two arrows?

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