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CAD tip CAD tip # 4684:


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From time to time, AutoCAD 2005 seems to reset the SAVETIME variable setting to 0, effectively disabling the AutoSave feature.

This is a known problem with version 2005 - AutoCAD temporarily disables AutoSave during the PUBLISH command. If this command fails, AutoSave is not restored.

As a fix, you can use the following VBA reactor to restore AutoSave after each command:

Private Sub AcadDocument_EndCommand (ByVal CommandName As String)
 ThisDrawing.SetVariable "SAVETIME", 10
End Sub

NB added: reported also in AutoCAD 2006

100% *CAD
17.10.2005    22920×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD 2006 · AutoCAD 2005 ·

See also:
Tip 9428:Save DWG drawing automatically after every N commands.
Tip 8778:How not lose edited DWG drawing even when closed without saving.
Tip 4345:What is the difference between .BAK, .SV$ and .AC$ backup files?
Tip 3506:Can I restore a drawing from an .ac$ file?
Tip 1813:Where to find my autosaved drawings?

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