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CAD tip CAD tip # 5296:


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Proxy objects are supplemental representations of the original intelligent objects from AutoCAD add-on applications.

The most appropriate way to "remove" them is to load their original application or their "object enabler" (free runtime version of that application), or to explode the intelligent objects to standard AutoCAD entities yet before saving in the original application.

If you really want to get rid of the proxy entities in your DWG drawing you can use the free LISP utility DelProxy available on Download.

Load it with APPLOAD and run the DelProxy command. This command deletes both proxy entities in the drawing and invisible proxy objects in drawing tables.

100% *CAD
30.11.2006    118932×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 12860:What are the proxy objects of the application NUCLEUSFORACAD?
Tip 11868:Open just a part of a DWG drawing - layers, views.
Tip 9884:Wrong color on monochrome DWG prints from AutoCAD Mechanical.
Tip 9739:Size of a saved DWG file grows unexpectedly.
Tip 8460:Unusual AutoCAD linetypes - from Microstation RSC files.

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