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CAD tip CAD tip # 5673:


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There are several ways to convert a three-dimensional 3DPOLYLINE entity to a standard 2D lightweight polyline (lwpolylines):
  1. If you want to just cut-off the Z-coordinates of a 3D polyline (make it appear 2D), use the FLATTEN command (Express Tools) to zero all Z-coordinates.
  2. The FLATSHOT command converts the whole view into a 2D drawing
  3. You can EXPLODE the 3DPOLYLINE and then PEDIT>Join (PLJOIN) the resulting 2D lines (segments) back to a 2D polyline.
  4. You can use a LISP utility to perform the conversion to a LWPOLYLINE - e.g. the PL32 command from the CADALYST September 2003 code (pline-3d-2d.lsp).
100% *CAD
25.7.2007    109838×   FAQ  
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 14154:How to add directional arrows to 3D polyline linetype and to spline?
Tip 13967:Drawing polylines using arbitrary length units - 2DpolyC.
Tip 11913:Simple export of vertex-coordinates from a selected polyline.
Tip 7796:How to display linetypes for 3D polylines.
Tip 7329:Draw 3D polyline by length, azimuth, slope.

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