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CAD tip CAD tip # 5847:


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The undocumented (and unsupported) AutoCAD command DUMPMEMALLOC offers among other the option Affinity which enables the so called "affinity" - an association of a Windows process (ACAD.EXE in this case) with a specific processor (or CPU core) on multi-processor and multi-core (dual-core, quad-core) computers. After enabling this option, AutoCAD will run on a single (the first) CPU/core only.

A similar function can be set in the Windows Task manager.

100% *CAD
8.11.2007    15530×  
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See also:
Tip 14110:Comparison of speed and CPU core usage in CAM operations of commercial and non-commercial versions of Autodesk Fusion.
Tip 12127:AutoCAD slower after obeying the recommendation from DELL Precision Optimizer.
Tip 10881:What is the process acwebbrowser.exe resp. Chromium host executable?
Tip 10219:Can Autodesk Fusion 360 make use of multicore CPUs?
Tip 8529:How to use CUDA GPU to accelerate rendering in 3ds Max?

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