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CAD tip CAD tip # 6176:


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By default, AutoCAD 2009 does not contain a ribbon user interface for Express Tools (only the standard menu and toolbars). Thanks to the customized CUI file (by a user GTVic) you can add such ribbon to your AutoCAD 2009:

Ribbon menu for Express Tools

How to add this ribbon?
  1. Download the modified CUI file from Download
  2. Copy the unzipped acetmain.cui file to your AutoCAD support folder (making a backup copy of the original version) - e.g.:

    C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2009\R17.2\enu\Support (WinXP)
    C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2009\R17.2\enu\Support (Vista)

  3. Run AutoCAD 2009 and start the CUI command
  4. In the top left panel, switch to the current workspace, so that its contents is displayed in the right panel:

    CUI settings (Czech version shown)

  5. Click on the "Customize Workspace" button (turns blue)
  6. In the left panel, expand the tree "Partial CUI files" > EXPRESS
  7. Check the box by the "Ribbon Tabs" item
  8. In the top right panel, click the "Done" button and end the CUI dialog with OK
100% *CAD
13.6.2008    45921×  
applies to: AutoCAD 2009 ·

See also:
Tip 14405:How do I create a 3D helix or 2D spiral sketch in Fusion?
Tip 14402:What is the difference between the BLOCKREPLACE, BREPLACE, REPLACEBLOCK, RIBLOCK and BLKREDEF commands?
Tip 14359:Automatic macro execution when opening a CAD file (AutoCAD, Inventor, Max, PowerMill)
Tip 14354:Bit-encoded value of the undocumented variable INPUTSEARCHOPTIONFLAGS.
Tip 14338:How do I replace a model with another one in an Inventor presentation?

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