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CAD tip CAD tip # 6365:


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The function "Select similar" (the command SELECTSIMILAR, resp. AecSelectSimilar - see the menu Edit and the object context menu) is in older versions (pre-2011) available only in the AEC versions of AutoCAD (AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Civil 3D).

Using a simple LISP expression you can add this functionality also to a plain AutoCAD. Add the following expression (command) to a toolbar button or context menu:
(cadr(sssetfirst nil (ssget"_X"(list(cons 0(cdr(assoc 0(entget(car(entsel"\nSelect object and all similar: "))))))))))

This function can be then used either in the normal command mode - after you select an object, all entities of the same type are grip-selected; or you can use it on the standard "Select objects" prompt - there it includes the selected object and all similar objects in a standard selection set of an editing command.

Another option is to use the expression:
(ssget(list(cons 0(cdr(assoc 0(entget(car(entsel"\nSelect object and all similar: "))))))))

This function also prompts for a sample object. Then it asks for a standard objects selection. From these objects, only those objects will be used which are similar (the same type) to the sample object.

100% *CAD
29.10.2008    39791×  

See also:
Tip 14405:How do I create a 3D helix or 2D spiral sketch in Fusion?
Tip 14392:How to get rid of the dot displayed by P&ID symbols in Plant 3D?
Tip 14335:Convert TrueType text in an Inventor sketch to a contour curve.
Tip 14271:How to use the STRETCH command to resize an object to a specific size?
Tip 14250:How to select all lines of the same length or boundary polylines of the same area?

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