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CAD tip CAD tip # 6544:


 %  platform  category 
If you often need to change or assign a coordinate system in your drawings (maps), you may need a commandline version of the command in Map (a dialog-based command by default).

You can use e.g. the following LISP macro:

(defun C:SetWGS ()  
(setvar "CMDDIA" 0)  
(command "ADESETCRDSYS" "_ses" "LL84" "_ex")  
(setvar "CMDDIA" 1)  
The newly defined command SetWGS can be then assigned to a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut.

Another - simpler method is to use the LISP function:

(ade_projsetwscode "LL84")  
100% *CAD
24.2.2009    12829×  

See also:
Tip 14414:Link geo-tagged photos from your mobile phone to AutoCAD DWG maps.
Tip 13971:What do geolocation codes like 8FWPXFCF+82 or 33UVQ61402434 mean?
Tip 13692:What is the precision in Revit?
Tip 13514:Why does the Power dimensioning command zoom my drawing?
Tip 13296:How to correctly load a KML/KMZ file into Civil or Map 3D?

Back    All CAD Tips

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