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CAD tip # 9593:
Video (city of Ceske Budejovice):
The current layer must be on. In Map and Civil you need to have assigned a real coordinate system or use LiveMap.
You can also use two included LISP functions:
(revgeocodeLL '(48.9669 14.4768))
for a given latlong coordinate, return the address string:
"Tylova 153/17, 370 01 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic"
(revgeocode (getpoint))
Returns the address of the picked point (as in the GEOCODE command). See the Readme file for a sample how to place the address to the drawing as a label.
The GEOCODE utility uses the Google API (online).
Since version 1.2 you can also use GeoCode to convert location to/from a unique 3-words code - see What3Words.com. Use the command variants GEOCODEW3 and GEOCODEAW3. The LISP function:
(revgeocodeLLW3 '(48.9669 14.4768))
evaluates to:
See also the coordinate converter.