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CAD tip CAD tip # 9593:


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The free add-on application CADstudio GeoCode for AutoCAD 2014+ (plus Map/Civil/Architecture 2014 and higher) performs the "reverse geocoding" - it generates the nearest street address (postal address) from a given point - the street, number, ZIP code, city and country. You only need to position your DWG drawing (map) to the real location using the command GEOGRAPHICLOCATION, i.e. with Live Maps.

Load the GeoCode.vlx file and run the GEOCODE command. After each clicked point, its full street address is displayed (the address of the nearest place).

Video (city of Ceske Budejovice):

The current layer must be on. In Map and Civil you need to have assigned a real coordinate system or use LiveMap.

You can also use two included LISP functions:

(revgeocodeLL '(48.9669 14.4768))

for a given latlong coordinate, return the address string:

"Tylova 153/17, 370 01 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic"


(revgeocode (getpoint))

Returns the address of the picked point (as in the GEOCODE command). See the Readme file for a sample how to place the address to the drawing as a label.

The GEOCODE utility uses the Google API (online).

Since version 1.2 you can also use GeoCode to convert location to/from a unique 3-words code - see Use the command variants GEOCODEW3 and GEOCODEAW3. The LISP function:

(revgeocodeLLW3 '(48.9669 14.4768))

evaluates to:


See also the coordinate converter.

100% *CAD
10.12.2013    16171×  

See also:
Tip 13971:What do geolocation codes like 8FWPXFCF+82 or 33UVQ61402434 mean?
Tip 13296:How to correctly load a KML/KMZ file into Civil or Map 3D?
Tip 13180:FDO connection to a WMS service fails with "Connection failed"
Tip 10848:GeoCode with what3words location codes.
Tip 7632:Modeling error: No solution for a vertex

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