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CAD tip CAD tip # 6892:


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UPDATE - Twitter no longer supports the old API - see our new ACADtweet utility for the solution!

With the LISP utility Xanadu Twitter.vlx you can send tweets (status messages) directly from your AutoCAD command line.

Load the TWITTER.VLX in your AutoCAD session (e.g. with the _APPLOAD command). Then run the TWITTER command, enter your Twitter username and password, plus your message to send an update (tweet, status) to your Twitter page (timeline).

You can also use the LISP function (twitter) to automate postings (from scripts, menus, macros, project changes...):

(twitter mytwittername mytwitterpassword mymessage)

See examples at our Twitter page

You can download Twitter.vlx from Download

OK, we don't expect AutoCAD users will really tweet from AutoCAD, but in this way AutoCAD itself can send some semi-automatic status messages e.g. to your project twitter page

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See also:
Tip 14310:Easy graphical display of the project or assembly file structure (hidden function).
Tip 14304:How to generate a report of used blocks including their visibility status in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 14300:How to convert my DWG drawing to a hand-drawn, sketched appearance even in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 14285:How to identify duplicate blocks in AutoCAD DWG drawings? SelDupBlk.
Tip 14280:How to add elevation value (Z-coordinate) to texts with point numbers?

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Use Google Earth images in your AutoCAD projects with the Plex.Earth Tools More info

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