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CAD tip CAD tip # 8642:


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Generated documentation views on 3D models behave differently than standard paperspace (layout) viewports. To assign scale not listed in the scale list (e.g. 1:250) you need to add this scale to the list using the SCALELISTEDIT command. Another option is to set the non-standard scale ("Custom") using the VIEWEDIT command (its Scale option) - use mouse double-click on the viewport.

Standard scales can be conveniently assigned from the context ribbon when you double-click on the viewport:

100% *CAD
21.5.2012    20005×  

See also:
Tip 14321:How to re-dock a dragged model-tree browser window in Fusion?
Tip 14310:Easy graphical display of the project or assembly file structure (hidden function).
Tip 13719:How to load a 2D DWG drawing of a part into Fusion 360?
Tip 12569:How to Explode a ViewBase generated from a 3D model?
Tip 12448:Pan view (change view target) in multiple viewports of a layout.

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