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CAD tip # 11751:
The LISP application toMulti can be downloaded from Download. Unpack the ZIP file (containing the .VLX and .TAB file) to an AutoCAD support path, load the application with APPLOAD and run it by typing the TOMULTI command.
The command prompts to select the polylines and the name of one of the definitions prescribed in the .TAB file (must be accessible in search path). Then it converts selected polylines to multi-lines.
The text file ToMulti.tab can be edited in Notepadu - its format contains the definition names (prefixed with an asterisk) and the respective segments with definitions of the offset (from the original line), color (code or name), line width, linetype and layer (since v1.2). Except for the offset, all parameters are optional. It can also contain names of the start and end-block on the polyline (prefixed with "#") - they must exist in the drawing. Since version you can also prescribe start and end caps (e.g. for hatching).Since version 1.3 you can use layer names with spaces (must be enclosed in double quotes) and RGB color codes (a triplet in parentheses).
; *DefinitionName1 ; offset[,color[,width[,linetype[,layer]]]] ; offset[,color[,width[,linetype[,layer]]]] ; [#startBlockName[,#endBlockName]] ; *DefinitionName2 ; offset[,color[,width[,linetype[,layer]]]] ; offset[,color[,width[,linetype[,layer]]]] ; offset[,color[,width[,linetype[,layer]]]] ; S|E|B[,color[,width[,linetype[,layer]]]] ; [#startBlockName[,#endBlockName]] ; ; multi-word layer names as "My Layer", RGB colors as (R,G,B) values ; *Fuskic 0.25,30,0.25 -0.25,30,0.25 0,51,0.25 0,1,0.08,Dashed #circle,#arrow *SimpleDup 0.25 -0.25 *CappedDup 0.25,(255,0,0),0,Continuous,Offset1 -0.25,_ByLayer,0,Continuous,"Offset 2" B,2
The variable DELOBJ controls deletion of the original (control) polyline.
When you set the LISP variable (setq _toMultiGroup T), the resulting lines will be grouped into an anonymous group (selected as one object).