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CAD tip CAD tip # 7527:


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As Microsoft ends its support for the developer technology VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) you might make use of the following table of Autodesk CAD software that currently supports VBA, has supported VBA, or supports the successor integrated development environments (IDE) for developing custom macros and utilities - e.g. VSTA (Visual Studio Tools for Applications, VB.NET).

Applies to Windows versions of CAD software:

CAD applicationIDE technologyNote
AutoCAD 2012VSTA ?estimate only
AutoCAD 2011VBAonly as installable add-on - see Download
AutoCAD 2010VBAonly as installable add-on - see Download
AutoCAD 2009VBAand all older and vertical versions - since ver. 2000
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011VBA.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010VBAand all older versions o Civil3D
Revit 2011VSTA.
Revit 2010VSTA.
Revit 2009VSTA2008 and older did not contain IDE
Inventor 2011VBAplus iLogic
Inventor 2010VBAand all older versions of Inventor

Besides IDE support, Autodesk products support also other programming interfaces (API) for add-on application development using standalone development tools (e.g. MS Visual Studio .Net).

NOTE: Autodesk supports VBA even in 64-bit versions of its software, despite that the VBA technology itself is only 32-bit.

100% *CAD
28.8.2010    13883×  
applies to: AutoCAD · Inventor · Civil 3D · Revit ·

See also:
Tip 10889:How to get user's full domain name, phone No., department, e-mail...

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Use Google Earth images in your AutoCAD projects with the Plex.Earth Tools More info

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