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CAD tip CAD tip # 12129:

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Atypical use of meshing for tiling a closed shape.

A - answer The command for meshing (covering with a mesh) a closed boundary can be used in some cases to cover the closed shape with an array of square tiles.

In the dialog of the MESHOPTIONS command, select the source outline and disable all optimization options. Specify the size of the tile and let the area cover with a mesh. After you explode (_EXPLODE) the mesh, you will get 3DFACE objects (quads). These can be then converted to Regions (the _REGION command). Regions already have the Area and Circumference properties.

See an example:

or as a video:


Can be used only with ideal, full coverage of the source area with "tiles" of the specified size.

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See also:
Tip 13960:Fermat's spiral in AutoCAD.
Tip 13788:Green square - mathematical charade and parametric constraints in AutoCAD.
Tip 13150:How to hatch selected objects including overlays and islands?
Tip 12633:Sol2SolH - convert DWG objects of the type Solid to Hatches
Tip 12429:HatchOverlap - check for any overlapping hatches in a DWG

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