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CAD tip CAD tip # 7537:

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AutoCAD startup message in a foreign language.

A - answer After you start AutoCAD, you get a strange unreadable messagebox "AutoCAD Message" that looks like this:


This is a result of a virus infection with the ACAD.QFAS virus (also known as TROJAN.ACAD.QFAS, acad.qfas.a). There are also new variants ACAD/Qfas.b, ACAD/Qfas.c, ACAD/Qfas.d in the wild.

Please use the latest version of your antivirus tool to get rid of this virus (trojan).

100% *  CAD 
2.9.2010    10439×  
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applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 12330:Inventor reports the error "Failed to create folder" or "Error creating the lock file lockfile.lck"
Tip 12136:Security settings for Inventor data files and add-on applications.
Tip 11375:System error: The program can't start because mfc120u.dll is missing
Tip 10612:Revit error: Unable to open because of unresolved pointer references​
Tip 9656:Inventor: Cannot load library MbUI.dll and RxPart.dll.

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