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Drawing polylines using arbitrary length units - 2DpolyC.

A - answer The freeware utility 2DpolyC allows you to draw a standard 2D polyline using arbitrary length units. You do not enter the coordinates of the vertices by pointing, but by entering the values of the coordinates X,Y or in the polar format Length<‍Azimuth. You can also specify an absolute ("#") or relative ("@") coordinate sign (relative by default) for the X,Y value.

You can enter length values including the unit identifier - any length units that AutoCAD supports from the ACAD.UNT file (or ACADLT.UNT). The azimuth, angle values are in actual angle units. Thus, e.g.:

#5.4 fu, 8.5 chain

Download the 2DpolyC utility from Download, load it into your AutoCAD using APPLOAD and run it by typing 2DPOLYC.

In addition, this utility defines two auxiliar transparent commands - 'UV and 'UP, which can be used to specify any length value (UV) or point (UP) specified by a numeric value with arbitrary units, anywhere inside another AutoCAD command. So e.g.:

'UV 123.4in
'UP 3yd,-2ft

See also the similar application 3DpolyC.

100% *  CAD 
18.12.2023    26926×  

See also:
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13653:FPoly - draw fixed-length polylines in AutoCAD.
Tip 13615:Associative angle bisector in an AutoCAD DWG drawing.
Tip 13163:Blended transitional solid between irregular regions, circle-rectangle transition (3D in AutoCAD)
Tip 12526:BufZone - buffer zones and wipeouts around AutoCAD line objects.

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