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CAD tip CAD tip # 12501:

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Dynamic associative array of elements along a curve.

A - answer With the standard command ARRAY (resp. ARRAYPATH) in AutoCAD (since version 2012) you can create a series of elements regularly placed along a curve. This array remains associative with the shape of the selected curve (path). This array can be created with a given offset, given number of elements, the elements can be rotated/aligned or stay in a given rotation, create multiple offset rows, etc.

The given array parameters can be subsequently edited, using the context ribbon or with grip editing.

For subsequent processing of the individual array elements you will need to explode the array (EXPLODE).

100% *  CAD 
2.2.2020    15105×  

See also:
Tip 13694:Individual modification of elements in AutoCAD dynamic arrays.
Tip 13666:Oblique rectangular array in AutoCAD.
Tip 13452:HideItem - hiding individual items in AutoCAD arrays or attributes
Tip 12966:TrimArr - trim a dynamic array to a boundary curve.
Tip 12609:Dynamo - how to convert a raster photo to 3D model in Revit?

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