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CAD tip CAD tip # 9482:

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Dynamically display any object property as a field.

A - answer AutoCAD allows to create an automatic text label (field) reflecting a selected property of the selected drawing object - see the Object option in the FIELD command. But some object properties are missing in the Field dialog. Despite of this you can create automatic labels with current values of such undocumented properties. So you can e.g. display the volume of a 3D solid, COG coordinates, draft angles of of draft surfaces, station for AEC objects, etc.

For such property labels, use the function fProp available in the free utility Arkance fArea. After you download it from Download and load it with APPLOAD, start the fProp command. Invoke the setup with the option "Setup" and define the property (its internal name) using the option "Other". The names of available propeties for a given drawing object (entity or layer) can be listed using the option "?". Examples of property names: Volume, StartDraftAngle, UIsoLineDensity, StartingStation, Station, etc.

The Subobject mode allows to list properties of sub-objects, e.g. block attributes.

Then select the source object and pick the text object which should be overwritten with the dynamic label, or specify the label by picking a position, size and angle.

You can also use the fProp command for easier input and formatting of standard property labels (fields), for standard DWG object properties.

Some property labels cannot be created this way in other than 2D wireframe modes.

100% *  CAD 
4.10.2013    8589×  

See also:
Tip 5387:Automatic area label - acreage of the selected object - fArea.

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