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CAD tip CAD tip # 7696:

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Edit or add steel profile dimensions in AutoCAD Mechanical.

A - answer The Content center library in AutoCAD Mechanical contains hundreds thousands of standard parts. If you need to add to or edit the default sizes offered by AutoCAD, you can modify the content library.

Run the AMCONTENTMANAGER command (ribbon Content > Library > Content manager) and in the "Standard content" tree go to the selected standard parts - e.g. DIN > Steel profiles > U-Shapes > DIN 1026-2: 2002 > Top. In the toolbar of the "Content Manager" dialog, click on the "Edit content" button (that with a pencil) - this runs the AutoCAD block editor. In the ribbon, choose the "Content table" icon (AMCTABLE) and display the table of parameters for the individual profiles. Change it as neccessary or import a table from Excel.

The "Parameters manager" can edit the expressions influencing the part geometry.

Exit the block editor with saving changes. We recommend to save the changed content as a separate "User content" (the AMCSAVEAS command).

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See also:
Tip 13791:Part number from the Frame Generator is not transferred to the Part Number iProperty.
Tip 12893:"Publish is not Successful" when editing a family in Content Center.
Tip 12532:Error when inserting standard part - Modeling: Failed to insert a part into assembly!
Tip 12412:Missing category icons and thumbnails in Inventor Content Center.
Tip 12317:How to publish a custom iPart to CC with Color as one of its parameters?

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