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FATAL ERROR when starting AutoCAD 2016 - Access Violation Reading 0x0018.

A - answer Right after installation, when you attempt to launch your CAD software for the first time, AutoCAD 2016, LT 2016 or Map 3D 2016 reports a fatal error:

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0018 Exception at 7066a8e3h.

The specific address may vary - e.g. 723ea3e3h, 730f3733h, etc.

This problem is most probably caused by incompatibility of your graphics card driver. Make sure you are using a certified graphics card and AutoCAD certified driver version from the continuously updated list on

If needed, download an updated gr.driver version from the vendor's web site, or run AutoCAD (acad.exe) with the parameter /nohardware (it will run slowly).

100% Win7,Win8,Win8.1  CAD 
17.7.2015    31183×  

See also:
Tip 13152:Compatibility of Autodesk products with Windows 11.
Tip 10986:FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access when displaying a layout with rendered view
Tip 9493:Inventor or AutoCAD or ReCap "stopped working" on a computer with two graphics cards.

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