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CAD tip CAD tip # 12215:

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How to change truecolor DWG objects to indexed ACI colors?

A - answer DWG drawings containing entities with truecolors can be complicated to process, filter, plot or assign plot styles (e.g. monochrome). Such drawings are e.g. generated from Inventor (saved as a "DWG for AutoCAD").

You can easily recolor such drawings to nearest indexed (ACI) colors from the AutoCAD 256-color palette. Download the SetACIcolor freeware LISP utility from Download, load it into your AutoCAD with APPLOAD and type the SETACICOLOR command. Select the objects (or All) to convert and this tool will replace all individually colored "truecolor" entities (including those nested in blocks or in locked layers) to the nearest indexed color hue.

Sample - a photo converted to truecolor 2Dsolid DWG "pixels" with ImgConvert and the solids then converted from truecolor to ACI colors:

see DWG block

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See also:
Tip 13900:How to convert truecolor color hue to the nearest AutoCAD ACI color?
Tip 13831:ReplMTcol - recoloring parts of text in paragraph Mtext.
Tip 12325:How to display a DWG from Advance Steel including AS objects? (AST viewer)
Tip 12279:PropByLayer - an inverse function to SetByLayer.
Tip 11714:How to assign a RAL color to a DWG object and get its ACI equivalent?

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