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How to model a 3D hyperboloid?

A - answer The surface of a 3D hyperboloid is a ruled surface. So use the AutoCAD command RULESURF. The control edges may be two circles or ellipses (in a polyline form), with offset (twisted) origins. Use e.g. PLINE,Arc with two 180° segments, copy the circular pline in Z axis and rotate it (e.g. 2/5 of full circle - 144°).

There are two important variables for creation of a ruled surface (model) - SURFTAB1 (surface smoothness, e.g. 24) and MESHTYPE (surface/mesh type, e.g. 0).

An example of a hyperboloid created this way can be found in the Block catalog:


Similarly, in Inventor, you can use lofting with two parallel circular paths - see the parametric IPT model:


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See also:
Tip 14072:How to import an STL, OBJ or 3DS file to an AutoCAD 3D model?
Tip 12237:UnfoldRS - unfold 3D surfaces to 2D in AutoCAD.
Tip 11726:Loading 3D models in the OBJ file format to AutoCAD.
Tip 11387:How to edit large STL files in Fusion 360?
Tip 11311:Importing STL files directly into AutoCAD - STLin.

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