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CAD tip CAD tip # 2627:

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How to enter a vulgar fraction 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 etc.?

A - answer In AutoCAD you can enter a vulgar fraction (partly also in DText or block attributes) in 4 ways:
  1. trivia: using three characters "1", "/", "2"
  2. using a unicode character: e.g. "1/2" has a code \U+00BD, "1/4" can be entered as \U+00BC, "3/4" can be entered as \U+00BE (you have to choose one of the Unicode fonts)
  3. using a %% control code: e.g. "1/2" can be entered as %%188, "1/4" can be entered as %%189 (you have to choose a font containing these glyphs)
  4. using MText stack: MText editor automatically offers to convert a "1/2" string to a stacked fraction; if you have switched off this option, you can select the string, right-click and choose Fraction (and then Properties) from the context menu.
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See also:
Tip 13426:Use of alternative units for arithmetic in dimensions (without square brackets).
Tip 11494:Entering decimal values using fractions in CAD applications.
Tip 8640:Text formatting codes in MText objects.
Tip 7878:How to input a real fraction in AutoCAD?
Tip 6447:Entering numbers in imperial format - feet, inches.

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