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How to write in Chinese or Korean or Hindi or Japanese in AutoCAD?

A - answer AutoCAD (since R13) supports Unicode so it is possible to use double-byte character sets and languages in MText, annotations, etc.

You will need a BigFont or a Unicode font containing Asian glyphs and Windows language support (locale, NLS, IME) to be able to enter the Asian characters (alternatively, you can enter them using their hexadecimal codes or \U+ or \M+ unicode codes - e.g.: \U+9A66).

For Chinese you can use the CHINESET.SHX supplied with AutoCAD (load it as a BigFont: txt.shx,chineset.shx) or the GBEITC.SHX, GBENOR.SHX and GBCBIG.SHX fonts. For Korean (Jin-Hangul) you can use the "WH" SHX fonts - WHTMTXT.SHX, WHTGTXT.SHX, WHGTXT.SHX and WHGDTXT.SHX. For Japanese use the EXTFONT.SHX and EXTFONT2.SHX. For Hindi, download and install e.g. the TTF font Kruti Dev 010.

100% *  CAD 
23.7.2003    39478×  

See also:
Tip 12598:Unreadable system dialogs in Inventor (symbols, japanese, arabic)
Tip 12167:How to switch ReCap or ReCap Pro to a different language?
Tip 12138:German, French, Hungarian, Chinese… labels in Plant 3D isometrics.
Tip 11580:Excel: convert Unicode texts to \U+ codes for AutoCAD
Tip 10866:Revit LT 2017 in more, "secret" languages.

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