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CAD tip CAD tip # 5288:

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AutoCAD can draw to frozen and locked layers.

A - answer You can draw even in frozen, locked or switched off layers in AutoCAD drawing with tool palettes.

If you specify the target layer in tool properties of the given tool in a palette, AutoCAD will draw or insert the object even in case that that layer is frozen or off (it will unlock it temporarily). You can see the result of the command only after you thaw or switch on that layer.

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22.11.2006    16120×  
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See also:
Tip 14114:How to export 3D Solids from Advance Steel to IFC format?
Tip 14072:How to import an STL, OBJ or 3DS file to an AutoCAD 3D model?
Tip 13900:How to convert truecolor color hue to the nearest AutoCAD ACI color?
Tip 13822:Fast layer visibility toggle ON/OFF.
Tip 13819:Position and docking of the Measure palette in Inventor 2024.

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