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An effective way to bind raster images inside DWG files.

A - answer If you need to embed a raster file inside a DWG drawing (not just refer it externally), you can either insert it as an OLE object (which has some performance and reliability drawbacks) or you can use the new embedding function of the AutoCAD Raster Design application.

Raster Design 2008 (and higher) contains a new command IEMBED, which can embed dualtone (single-color) raster images inside a DWG file. Such embedded image behaves mostly just like standard image entity inserted with IMAGE (except for ImageClip, ImageAdjust). In the drawing database this image is represented by a special object AecIdbEmbeddedRasterImage, so you will need either Raster Design or the free Raster Design Object Enabler (2008 or higher) to display it in AutoCAD. You can also "externalize" such entity with the IUNEMBED command.

The embedded raster image doesn't take up much space in the DWG file - a 100kB compressed TIFF makes only a 125kB DWG file.

Another solution is the add-on utility CADstudio ImgConvert which converts referenced raster images to native solid "pixels".

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27.4.2007    48133×  
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See also:
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13421:The MAPIINSERT command does not offer a georeference (data from the world file)
Tip 13131:How to crop an image or PDF underlay in Revit?
Tip 11570:How to create an Inventor drawing from a photo?
Tip 9829:DrGrid - parametric grid for AutoCAD drawings.

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