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CAD tip CAD tip # 5885:

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In the dynamic drawing mode, entered coordinates are considered "relative".

A - answer E.g. when drawing a line in the dynamic mode you enter (input numerically) the coordinates of the start point 100,100 and the end point 200,200 - but AutoCAD automatically draws a line [100,100]-[300,300].

The reason is that the specified coordinates are considered as relative by default in the dynamic mode. The absolute 'behaviour' of coordinates can be forced with:

  1. switching the dynamic mode OFF (the DYN button in your statusbar, or F12 key, or the DYNMODE variable)
  2. toggling the DYNPICOORDS variable
  3. entering the dynamic coordinate in the form of #x,y or #r - e.g. #200,200
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4.12.2007    11614×  
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See also:
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13784:Export block coordinates to a table. How to use the DATAEXTRACTION command in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 13712:Why do I have an inactive "thousands separator" item in AutoCAD text field formatting?
Tip 13587:Dynamic label of 3D coordinates.
Tip 13006:Calculated property descriptions (tobogan slide from floor to floor)

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