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Setting draworder by object types and by layers (DOBT).

A - answer DOBT is a free LISP utility by Arkance Systems (CAD Studio) - you can use it to change the draworder of AutoCAD entities by their object type and by their layers (or block names).

You can define the order in the definition file - it sets all processed object types and layers. Using this definition you can e.g. - with a single command - move all your texts and dimensions on top of all hatches, AEC rooms below AEC walls and curtain walls, etc. Or you can define that the contents of layer BRIDGES will be drawn above the contents of the layers WATER*.

Entity types and layers are listed in the DOBT.TAB control file (see Readme). Example:


Alternatively, you can define not the objects to be "sinked" but the objects to be "lifted". Add those definitions below the line:


You can download the DOBT utility from Download

In AutoCAD Architecture and AutoCAD Civil 3D you can also use the command LAYERORDER to define draworder by layer.

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13.12.2007    18061×  
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See also:
Tip 12526:BufZone - buffer zones and wipeouts around AutoCAD line objects.
Tip 9829:DrGrid - parametric grid for AutoCAD drawings.
Tip 9350:How to move the draw order of all images or hatches to back?
Tip 6748:Disregard Draw Order for this operation?
Tip 6334:How to draw hatches always to back (below other objects)?

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