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CAD tip CAD tip # 6825:

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Render .max files from DOS commandline.

A - answer Autodesk 3ds Max (and VIZ) allows to start rendering also from the command line, e.g. from batch files.

If you want to invoke the render procedure in a non-interactive, line mode, use the tool 3dsmaxcmd.exe (resp. 3dsvizcmd in VIZ) from the 3ds Max application folder.

3dsmaxcmd offers a number of parameters which can control the rendering options. Some examples (enter as a single line):

"c:\program files\autodesk\3dsmax9\3dsmaxcmd" -outputName:"c:\myOutput\myPicture.jpg" -w 1024 -h 768 "c:\program files\autodesk\3dsmax9\scenes\myScene.max"

"c:\program files\viz2008\3dsvizcmd.exe" @c:\parameters\finalrender.txt -o=c:\myOutput\scene1.jpg "c:\program files\viz2008\scenes\scene1.max"

"c:\program files\autodesk\3dsmax2009\3dsmaxcmd" -submit "c:\program files\autodesk\3dsmax2009\scenes\scene2.max"

100% *  CAD 
29.7.2009    15728×  
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applies to: 3ds Max · VIZ ·

See also:
Tip 9420:Stereoscopic view modes in Autodesk VRED.
Tip 8330:Rendering stereoscopic images in 3ds Max (anaglyphs).
Tip 6446:3ds max 9 error: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005)
Tip 6048:Adding your home city to the list for geographic location settings.
Tip 5625:Creeping plants for 3D objects.

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Use Google Earth images in your AutoCAD projects with the Plex.Earth Tools More info

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