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Using luminiscent materials in AutoCAD 3D scenes.

A - answer In AutoCAD you can easily assign self-illuminated, luminiscent materials to 3D objects. The procedure for assigning the "LED" material and performing the final rendering in a viewport or in the cloud is described in the video:

The sample DWG drawing file can be downloaded as Block 15720 from the CAD/BIM Block library.

To increase light intensity, use the option Luminance in the section "Self-illumination" in the material editor (increase luminance of the LED material from 100 e.g. to 300).

You can use illuminated materials in a similar way also in Inventor, Revit, 3ds Max, Fusion 360 and other software applications.

100% *  CAD 
2.6.2018    12312×  
applies to: AutoCAD · Inventor · Revit ·

See also:
Tip 13706:Visual style Sketchy with colored edges.

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