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CAD tip CAD tip # 11727:


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For presentation and education purposes you may need to slowly draw (paint) a shape of a certain curve in AutoCAD - as if you redraw an existing curve with a crayon. So you can e.g. illustrate the shape of a mathematical curve - e.g. from the function 2DPlot.

For this purpose your can use the freeware application DrawPoly. Download this tool from Download, load it to AutoCAD with the command APPLOAD and run it by typing the command DRAWPOLY.

The command will prompt to select an existing curve/polyline. It will hide it temporarily and in its place, it will sequentially draw its shape step by step, using a specified segment length a specified color (and white "pen" symbol). The segment length is autocorrected so that the sequential drawing always includes also the existing vertices of the polyline. You can choose between automatic re-drawing with a given speed, or interactive re-drawing controlled by hitting the Enter key. After you the "re-painting" is finished, the original curve is restored and shown again.

With some graphics cards (hw acceleration) the re-drawn segments may be grouped into one step.

100% *CAD
12.12.2017    15879×  
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 12721:Animation of 3D milling along a path in AutoCAD.
Tip 12448:Pan view (change view target) in multiple viewports of a layout.
Tip 12446:Quick 1-/2-click dimensioning in AutoCAD.
Tip 11354:Animate dyn.block parameters and dim.constraints in AutoCAD DWGs.
Tip 11295:Iterative Move, Scale and Rotate - till boundary touch (MoveTill).

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