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CAD tip CAD tip # 8263:


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AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 does not show the info tooltip with elevation data of the surface "under" the cursor.

Please check the setting of the TOOLTIPS variable. This may be also caused by a collision with another application - e.g. the AVG antivirus, or the raster add-on Raster Design 2012. Try to use the _CUILOAD command to unload the ribbon AUTOCADRASTERDESIGN temporarily.

100% *CAD
14.10.2011    15075×  
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See also:
Tip 13900:How to convert truecolor color hue to the nearest AutoCAD ACI color?
Tip 12914:Geo2GPS - GPS or UTM coordinates or web map from any coordinate of an AutoCAD DWG (Google Street View).
Tip 12201:Quick dynamic measuring of objects near your cursor.
Tip 11599:Display object properties when hovering mouse cursor (rollover).
Tip 8367:Green corners around drawing views in Inventor.

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