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CAD tip CAD tip # 7323:


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If you need to create (insert) a set of layouts in your current drawing -- copy them from another DWG drawing, you can use the command LAYOUT and its option Template.

There is a drawback in ths approach, as newer AutoCAD versions insert the layouts sorted alphabetically.

If you need to keep the original (source) order of layouts, you an use the utility CADstudio GetLayouts. AppLoad it and run the GetLayouts command - it will prompt for the name of the external DWG drawing and then (without opening it) it imports all its layouts into the current drawing (layouts with the same name are not copied nor changed).

You can download the GetLayouts utility from Download.

100% *CAD
23.4.2010    20962×  

See also:
Tip 14310:Easy graphical display of the project or assembly file structure (hidden function).
Tip 14202:Recurring "Duplicate Sheet Name" dialogs.
Tip 14190:How to replace non-ASCII characters in AutoCAD layer names?
Tip 13778:How to publish several DWG drawings into one multi-page PDF?
Tip 13719:How to load a 2D DWG drawing of a part into Fusion 360?

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