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CAD tip CAD tip # 7321:


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A disabled hardware acceleration on your graphics card can cause AutoCAD cursor moving not smoothly (choppy, jerky, jumpy crosshairs) over your drawing. Hardware acceleration may be disabled as a result of using a non-certified graphics card.

Your cursor than acts like it slowly analyses snap points (even if osnap is disabled).

You can make your cursor faster and smooth by suppressing dynamic mode (DYNMODE=0 or F12 and UCSDETECT), or by enabling hardware acceleration (preferred method). You can do so with the 3DCONFIG command, the "Manual tune" button, check the "Enable hardware acceleration" option.

Slow and jerky cursor movement can be caused also by running BitDefender virus scanner.

On an extremely slow or emulated graphics, also disable the tooltips - ROLLOVERTIPS=0 and TOOLTIPS=0. You may also need to switch off SELECTIONPREVIEW.

For AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT you can also try to switch off the Aero environment in Windows (switch to the Basic theme).

100% Win7CAD
23.4.2010    51592×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 13938:ModDXF - utility for bulk modification/display of internal DXF properties in DWG entities.
Tip 13561:Beware of "permanently" hidden objects in DWG drawings.
Tip 13307:How to teach AutoCAD Web app a new command?
Tip 13021:Rotating model when hovering above a 3D point cloud. How to disable?
Tip 12543:Drawing perpendiculars from any curve in AutoCAD.

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