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CAD tip CAD tip # 8276:


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Microsoft Office 2010, especially Excel 2010, is not supported in Inventor 2011 (sp0), 2010 and older. To control iParts, threads and other models driven by tables, you need to use compatible Excel versions (2003 to 2007). With MS Excel version 2010 you also won't be able to use BOM export, nor position representations animated in Inventor Studio.

The Service Pack 1 for Inventor 2011 brings partial support of Excel 2010 - see Download. Inventor 2012 (and higher) is compatible with Excel 2010 (and Office 2003/2007).

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22.10.2011    9401×  
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See also:
Tip 14218:Does Inventor support Sensitivity Labels in MS Excel tables?
Tip 14059:Import coordinates from CSV files into Fusion profiles.
Tip 13531:Thumbnails have incorrect size after exporting the BOM to Excel.
Tip 12815:How to fill iProperties into Inventor files from Excel?
Tip 12743:A change in iLogic processing of Excel tables since Inventor 2021.

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