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CAD tip # 8303:
When you start Revit, the "SECSplashWnd" window may stay running as a process in your system tray and the Revit application does not launch. This is most probably caused by the communication component WSCommCntr3 (InfoCenter).
Apply the latest updates to your operating system (Windows Update) and in particular update the system component .Net Framework.
You can also to terminate the process WSCommCntr3.exe (or WSCommCntr2.exe) in the Task Manager, or delete the file (WinXP):
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\Revit\{Autodesk Revit version}\Enu\Components\WebServices\WSCommCntrData.xml
resp. (Win7/Vista):
C:\Users\%username%\Appdata\local\Autodesk\Revit\{Autodesk Revit version}\Enu\Components\WebServices\WSCommCntrData.xml
applies to: Revit 2012 · Revit 2011 ·