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CAD tip CAD tip # 8468:


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If you want to display - similarly to AutoCAD - a full document path (subfolders) in the Inventor window titlebar, you can use a simple iLogic macro.

Use iLogic to define a new rule (name it e.g. "LongCap") containing a single line:

ThisApplication.Caption = ThisDoc.Path
Then let the rule "LongCap" run/invoke (see Event triggers) automatically on each event of the type "Document open".
100% *CAD
14.2.2012    13295×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: Inventor 2012 ·

See also:
Tip 13868:XrefStamp - create a dynamic list of xrefs in your DWG drawing.
Tip 11376:Attaching a xref to AutoCAD DWG sets a relative path automatically, can I change it to absolute?
Tip 10852:iLogic - how to get part material and path from a drawing?
Tip 10658:How to open a R/O DWG without the read-only warning?
Tip 8959:How to convert a 2D sketch to a 3D sketch in Inventor?

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