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CAD tip CAD tip # 6804:


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If you want to explode linetypes (simple dashed, dash-dot, or complex linetypes with shapes) in your AutoCAD drawing to individual simple lines (line segments), you can use a modified version of the TxtExp Express Tool.

Exploding linetypes is similar to exploding texts (SHX fonts). So we have modified the standard TxtExp.lsp tool from AutoCAD Express Tools to work on any object and made a LinExp.lsp tool from it.

Download the LinExp tool from Download, load it with APPLOAD and start the LINEXP command. Select the lines you want to convert to the individual strokes and confirm. The resulting geometry is no longer a single line (and may be less precise) - so make sure you work on a copy of your original drawing.

LINEXP breaks up linear entities into separate short entities and gaps (and possibly exploded symbols if you have used complex linetypes).

Note by Thomas M.:

Another solution is to create a PDF and then use the PDF import command to bring back the drawing and scale it back to correct dimensions.

100% *CAD
20.7.2009    48601×  
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 13694:Individual modification of elements in AutoCAD dynamic arrays.
Tip 13038:How to explode 3D faces (3DFACE) into outline polyline?
Tip 12633:Sol2SolH - convert DWG objects of the type Solid to Hatches
Tip 12569:How to Explode a ViewBase generated from a 3D model?
Tip 12501:Dynamic associative array of elements along a curve.

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