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CAD tip CAD tip # 10642:


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You can dimension Revit constructions also in 3D views, horizontal dimensions can be inserted as easy as in plan views.

There is a small problem when you decide to add vertical dimensions in this 3D view - e.g. wall heights. This is caused by the reference plane being set by default to the horizontal position/orientation.

But you can just use the Architecture ribbon and the Work Plane tab to start the Set Work Plane tool.

A dialog box for setting a work plane will be launched.

Select the second option - Pick a plane and choose any vertical edge in your model, in this case a wall edge.

After you have set a new work plane this way, you can now insert also vertical dimensions to your 3D view.

100% *CAD
11.12.2015    10659×  
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applies to: Revit ·

See also:
Tip 14209:Optimized stacking od boxes into a container of a given size - 3D nesting.
Tip 14041:Displaying the dimensions of equal repeated segments in Revit (EQ).
Tip 13692:What is the precision in Revit?
Tip 13566:Text size in Revit temporary dimensions.
Tip 13012:Why Revit doesn't display temporary dimensions when inserting windows or doors?

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