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CAD tip CAD tip # 8209:


 %  platform  category 
The installation program of the graphics acceleration driver "nVidia Performance Driver" supports only English versions of plain AutoCAD. But using the following procedure you can install it even on e.g. Czech version of AutoCAD Architecture.

You can trick the setup by impersonating the plain English AutoCAD version, installing the driver and immediately returning the impersonalization back to the original. Please perform the registry changes carefully and with AutoCAD not running.

The signature of the AutoCAD application (any version) can be found in the Registry (example of Architecture 2011):


Rename this key (using RegEdit.exe) to ACAD-9001:409. (for version 2010 rename the original key "R18.0\ACAD-8004:405".) Now run the nVidia driver installation - it should complete without errors. Immediately after this installation rename the registry key to its original value! Only the run your AutoCAD Architecture (or other vertical) and choose the new driver.

100% *CAD
14.9.2011    15333×  

See also:
Tip 13809:AutoCAD displays continuous lines and texts as dotted.
Tip 13379:Revit failing on machines with multiple graphics cards.
Tip 12103:Random lines are displayed over my AutoCAD drawing.
Tip 11460:Mental Ray and Arnold is missing from my 3ds Max 2018.
Tip 9895:Missing or distorted parts of the ribbon or QAT panel.

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