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CAD tip CAD tip # 8214:


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The pack of useful tools - Express Tools - is usually installed during AutoCAD setup. With some AutoCAD versions it is neccessary to check the "Express Tools" option in the AutoCAD custom installation. Installing ET ensures also their proper setup in the AutoCAD environment.

If you have installed Express Tools but after some subsequent modifications and changes in the user environment, the tools menu (ribbon) is no more available or the individual tool commands cannot be invoked, try any of the following remedial actions.

  • With the APPLOAD command, load these two FAS files: acettest.fas and acetutil.fas; both should be located in the Express subfolder in your AutoCAD folder
  • Use CUILOAD to load the possibly missing menu file acetmain - e.g.: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical 2012\R18.2\enu\Support\acetmain.cuix
  • Add the Express Tools path to your AutoCAD search path - e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2013\Express
  • Enter the EXPRESSTOOLS command (even this simple step helps in some situations)
The last option is a repair installation of AutoCAD (with the Express Tools option).
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See also:
Tip 14163:How to select DWG texts containing a certain number of characters?
Tip 14098:How to use arc length parameter in Inventor sketch?
Tip 13683:Limitations of the LISP language (AutoLISP, VisualLISP) in AutoCAD LT - what to watch out for
Tip 13056:How to copy DWG Properties from one drawing to another?
Tip 12546:How to renumber handles of selected DWG entities?

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Use Google Earth images in your AutoCAD projects with the Plex.Earth Tools More info

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